Do you feel like braving the world of SEO? Taking a dive and seeing if you can swim the search engine ocean? Not afraid of what may hit online along the way?
There’s basic SEO tricks that anyone can have a go at, without risking a complete website meltdown. Maybe use these things as a testing ground to see what state your website is in. A taste of how much work might need to go into getting it to score page one on Google.
Optimising websites is not for the faint hearted (or tech-shy) but it is doable if you have the time, patience and headspace. Here’s 5 tips I’d recommend starting with:
- Run a speed test – a well built website should load in under 5 seconds. 3 seconds, you’re doing well. If you need to get your load time down, start by shrinking the size of your image files and turning off any bells and whistles on your site.
- Connect your website to Google Search Console – it’s a great tool that will tell you how your website is performing from Googles’ point of view. Is it able to index your pages? Do you have any 404 errors? How are your keywords ranking?
- Set up a Google Analytics account – see how much traffic your site is getting. Are customers finding your website organically? Through paid ads? Via social media?
- Click every link on our site – do they all work? This can have a negative effect on your SEO so jump into the back end and fix it if you find any broken links.
- Check your URLs – does the bit at the end of your domain name marry up with your page titles? e.g.

If you find SEO is within your comfort zone, there’s a wealth of information online that will explain how to use SEO to organically boost your website.
The Google Webmaster site is a must-read Bible, and the likes of SEMRush and Moz are always giving away pointers.
Do as your customers do, and use Google to search for anything that you’d like to know. Remember the role of search engines is to show you the best answers or solutions to your question or problem. Put it through its paces.
You can always call on Blue Bamboo. SEO is my jam and I’ll make optimising your website an easy, stress-free experience that will give your business a big boost online.